Small Groups

Nice to meet you!

A note from Rachael Murley,  Associate Director of Small Group Ministry. 

Hi there! My name is Rachael Murley and I serve as the Associate Director of Small Groups at Park LP. Originally from Columbus, Ohio, I have been attending Park LP since 2016, serving in the small group ministry as a volunteer since 2017, and joined staff at Park LP in 2022 in a part-time role over small groups. I am so passionate about our small group ministry not only because of the ways it has transformed and provided deep fellowship for me personally, but I am constantly blown away at the numerous ways God uses this ministry to bring people into deep fellowship with others and with Christ. In many ways, our small groups are the heartbeat of our church as they help us to live out our mission to make disciples, equip the saints, send them out, and spread them far and wide. We aim for our small groups to be a safe, biblical community that helps us move toward community, transformation, and impact the world around us as we study God's word, apply it to our lives, pray, and serve together.
Our small groups meet weekly in Lincoln Park and surrounding neighborhoods. To learn more about small groups, please fill out the small group interest form or email me! I look forward to connecting with you and helping you get plugged into biblical community. It's worth it! 

What's a small group?

Park LP's vision is to be a biblical community where the gospel of Jesus Christ transforms lives, renews the city, and impacts the world. Small groups are a key way to build this biblical community!

In our Park LP small groups, we see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform our lives as we read and apply the Bible to our lives, pray together, and seek to make God known in our workplaces, homes, neighborhoods, and world. We would love to get you connected to a group!

Current Groups

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Small Group Resources

Currently, we're preaching through the Gospel of Luke in our Sunday gatherings and discussing during the week at our small groups. We'd love for you to join one of our small groups and use the resources below. They're great tools to go deeper in your faith with others!

Weekly Guides

Our hope is that the small group guides will facilitate a deeper understanding of God through His revealed Word in a way that transforms our lives together and moves us into Christ-like action.

Weekly Videos

Our aim is that the weekly videos will provide deeper theological understanding to support the previous sermon. With each video, we hope that our minds will engage with our faith as we learn about God's character.