Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Throughout God's Word, it is clear that He has a heart for the nations.
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations." Psalm 67:1-2
Park's global team seeks to mobilize every person at Park to take their next step in becoming a global follower of Christ. The global ministry offers several ways to be involved cross-culturally including helping refugees locally, building friendships with international students, going on an overseas ministry trip, taking the Perspectives class, regularly praying for unreached people groups and the nations, supporting global partners, etc.
If you’d like to learn more about our global ministry, please contact our Global Team.
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations." Psalm 67:1-2
Park's global team seeks to mobilize every person at Park to take their next step in becoming a global follower of Christ. The global ministry offers several ways to be involved cross-culturally including helping refugees locally, building friendships with international students, going on an overseas ministry trip, taking the Perspectives class, regularly praying for unreached people groups and the nations, supporting global partners, etc.
If you’d like to learn more about our global ministry, please contact our Global Team.
Take your next step

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Check out our Global Partners
Each step has a purpose.
Four years ago, one of the members in our Park family decided to take her next step as a global follower of Christ. Today, she's sharing the love of Jesus with locals in Southeast Asia backed by the support of Park.
At Park, we have options for you to encourage those who are sent out or be the ones who go.
Four years ago, one of the members in our Park family decided to take her next step as a global follower of Christ. Today, she's sharing the love of Jesus with locals in Southeast Asia backed by the support of Park.
At Park, we have options for you to encourage those who are sent out or be the ones who go.